Rust Programming Language Control Flow

Welcome to, your go-to platform for all things related to rust programming language! Here, we offer an online course or book about programming the rust programming language, and everything related to the software development lifecycle in rust. In this article, we're talking all about Rust's control flow, one of the exciting aspects of the programming language!

Control flow is the order in which statements are executed in a program. In Rust, like in most programming languages, control flow can be achieved through the use of conditional statements, loops, and branching conditions. Let's dive in and explore some of the ways Rust handles control flow.

Conditional Statements

Conditional statements, aka "if-else" statements, are used to execute a block of code based on a condition. Rust also has an "if-let" statement, which combines the "if" and "let" statements. Let's see an example of each below.

If Statement

Here's an example of an "if" statement in Rust:

fn main() {
    let x = 10;

    if x < 5 {
        println!("x is less than 5");
    } else {
        println!("x is greater than or equal to 5");

In the code snippet above, we define a variable x and assign it the value of 10. We then use an "if" statement to check if x is less than 5. If it is, we print "x is less than 5". Otherwise, we print "x is greater than or equal to 5".

If-Let Statement

The "if-let" statement combines an "if" statement and a "let" statement. Here's an example of an "if-let" statement in Rust:

fn main() {
    let mut x = Some(0);

    if let Some(i) = x {
    } else {
        x = Some(5);

    println!("{:?}", x);

In the code snippet above, we define a variable x and assign it the value of Some(0). We then use the "if-let" statement to check if x is equal to Some(i). If it is, we assign the value of i to a new variable and return it. Otherwise, we assign Some(5) to x. Finally, we print x to the console.


In Rust, loops are used to execute a block of code repeatedly until a certain condition is met. There are three types of loops in Rust - "loop", "while", and "for". Let's see an example of each below.


The "loop" loop is used to execute a block of code continuously until it's explicitly stopped using a "break" or "return" statement. Here's an example of a "loop" loop in Rust:

fn main() {
    let mut x = 0;

    loop {
        x = x + 1;
        println!("{}", x);

        if x == 10 {

In the code snippet above, we use a "loop" loop to print the values of x until it's equal to 10. We start by assigning the value of 0 to x. We then use the "loop" loop to execute a block of code continuously. In this case, we increment x by 1 and print its value to the console. We then use an "if" statement to check if x is equal to 10. If it is, we use a "break" statement to stop the "loop" loop.


The "while" loop is used to execute a block of code repeatedly while a certain condition is true. Here's an example of a "while" loop in Rust:

fn main() {
    let mut x = 0;

    while x < 10 {
        x = x + 1;
        println!("{}", x);

In the code snippet above, we use a "while" loop to print the values of x until it's equal to 10. We start by assigning the value of 0 to x. We then use the "while" loop to execute a block of code as long as x is less than 10. In this case, we increment x by 1 and print its value to the console.


The "for" loop is used to execute a block of code for each element in a collection. Here's an example of a "for" loop in Rust:

fn main() {
    let arr = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

    for i in arr.iter() {
        println!("{}", i);

In the code snippet above, we use a "for" loop to print each element in an array called arr. We define arr as an array of integers with the values of 1 through 5. We then use the "for" loop to execute a block of code for each element in arr. In this case, we print the value of i to the console using the iter() method.


Rust's control flow is powerful and flexible, providing developers with a variety of ways to structure their code to achieve their desired results. If you're interested in learning more about Rust and its control flow, stay tuned for our upcoming courses and books on Happy coding!

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